Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why so shy?

I have been shy in public my entire life, but when it comes to small groups, I get so, so annoyed at seeing everyone stand around awkwardly, either obviously bored or just unsure = shy.

Now shyness can look like you are being super arrogant sometimes, I have been told that I seem like this when I'm really shy because I find it hard to look people in the face.

I wonder though why we do get so shy? I have a medical reason and can understand anyone in this case, but why so shy in a tiny group? Is it the feeling that people won't like you?

Being liked is a fickle thing, because we feel the need to have a personality, but that can so easily be put down. Yes, its easy for everyone to say 'be yourself,' but bullies prohibit this and bullies may just be people we see in the street - those stares can put us down immediately.

One of the best feelings in the world is being complimented - and you know what I have noted a lot of people compliment? - Aspects of shyness...

'You are so quiet.'
'You are so polite.'
'You are so patient.'

I am certainly not saying that these traits don't also stand alone, but being shy is usually highly regarded compared to someone who is super cocky and over the top.

There is also shy confidence and cocky confidence.

But I won't go into that yet....

Stay shy,


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