Monday, August 11, 2014

Cry a little cry

I just had a really good cry. Sometimes I think it’s good to just hide and bawl your eyes out, because you’re never going to be able to control what other people do or say. Sometimes I can’t control the way I instantly react either, but I can cry to myself, release the tension and get on with my life. I have dealt with a lot in my life as I am a sensitive person
I have been super sensitive today, happy, but a have a mood when, if ignored enough or kicked around too much, my happiness plummets.... As both happened repeatedly, I was reduced to tears, no one noticed and I’m glad, because crying is (stupidly) seen as something of a weakness in my household. It is just easier to hide the tears and move on for me, because I know that that comment, wasn’t something to stew over.
So by writing this post it means that I am stewing over something that doesn’t even deserve the time of day, so I am over this and goodnight!


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