Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don't advertise it.

The thing with social media is that we are getting into the habit of giving 'too much information.' We don't need to tell the world what we eat for breakfast, (you know unless its health related etc.) but I don't understand what the pull of 'facebook' is about. Please don't get me wrong, I have been a fan of facebook since day one, but now that it is out in the media and nearly everyone I know has it, what is the real attraction.

Personally I think that it is just about advertising oneself. Showing the world who they are and lets face it - everyone loves showing off themselves - even in the smallest, visual ways.

So as this is a 'can of worms' post, I should spill what annoys me about social media.

Don't advertise it. Don't advertise that you killed a protected species of snake on your property. Don't advertise that you hate blacks. Please, please don't advertise that you stole some money. Just don't advertise anything you wouldn't tell anyone - and I mean anyone, to their face. That means, RSPCA, Barrack Obama and the police. This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves ever!

I, myself, hate putting anyone down. This is a part of the reason why I am such a quiet soul. I try, (because sometimes I do fail...) to never speak a bad word about any one person. A lot can offend a person these days and social media is really just demeaning people. When people post these things I am talking about, they offend someone and that just causes a debate.

Another thing I hate is competition. In this case, I think that everyone should have their opinion, but when it gets to facebook, it just seems so pointless. Too many chefs spoiling the broth. So I let my pent up anger out on blogger!


Come one, come all!

I think that everyone has this problem when organising any sort of event, dinner, party, etc. When working out who to invite, with one, comes another, and another, so on.

Recently I have just matured a little more - yes I know, that statement is worth a thousand jabs of mocking, but its true. And I have finally come to realise that you have to fall prey to other peoples desires - in this case anyway...

If you leave someone out of an event, that could be the thing that everyone ever talks about from an otherwise great show. I guess that allowing people to get along is to give to everyone but yourself in these cases. The trick though, is to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable - change what you want to what others want - you will be respected for that.


I still Believe!

I just got home from watching 'Rise of the Guardians' at the cinemas. (Dreamworks animation.)

I notice that when people walk out of cinemas in general - the movie they just saw is almost instantly forgotten or perhaps viewed as just a time to relax or treat the kids, but what's next? I've always been one to discuss a movie at length after exiting the cinemas and I think over the years, the people I have gone with have gotten sick of me doing this. I don't know if its the dark room, but the movie just consumes me and my brain races with ideas, motives and inspiration! When I come out of the dark room or even when the lights come on inside the cinema, my mind keeps going as I slowly come back to reality - very slowly.

I really can't speak for anyone else, but it seems to me that others don't do that. Reality strikes them instantly when those lights come on and the credits scroll up the big screen. Suddenly a song on the radio on the way home becomes more important, or what they have to clean or cook when they get home, what the partner or kids are doing, tomorrow's birthday party, shopping list or maybe even the fact that they are going home to an empty house. But the movie slowly becomes a distant illusion. Just like after waking from a dream, if you let it, it just fades away - until you revive it again, but then it may not seem the same - Are we thinking about reality too much? Or do I think about dreams too much? I'm not saying that this happens to everyone, there may be people like me, but I know that some people do. Somtimes I can be consumed by a movie for weeks.