Sunday, December 9, 2018

Orange - December reflections 2018

Orange is one of my favourite colours and I think it is highly underrated. Orange in nature is especially beautiful - just look at this sunset!

It was along the Murray River where I captured that sunset while camping. I also had the amazing chance to witness the Rainbow Bee Eaters during mating season - and well as you can see, orange is prominent in nature for a reason!

I also love the orange Australian desert, plumage and fur colour in animals, other textures and the glow of the sun - usually in the morning or when it is outside hazy and looks more orange.

Fun facts: Orange is the colour between yellow and red on the rainbow spectrum and colours such as oranges and pinks actually show up in the sky at sunrise and sunset due to either dust particles (especially in the case of oranges) and/or the scattering of gas molecules in the atmosphere.

I hope to go back into the Australian desert one day and pay more attention to the rich colours of our land, including orange, but this year has been more of a time for staying home and hopefully next year there will be more adventures and photos of adventures!


Friday, December 7, 2018

Morning light - December reflections 2018

Here in Australia, it is HOT around Christmas, usually. The morning light is generally warm and scorching by mid-morning. These photos were taken on my morning walks for work and as I looked up, the sun was peering through the whirling clouds.

I would love to capture a photo of the dawn, but I am struggling to get enough sleep at the moment, so by the time I wake up, the sun is already beaming through the house. I was always an early riser, but I don't think the daylight savings and adult life is very helpful with that, on top of all of the other things I need to do daily and often at night!

Here is to getting up earlier and enjoying full days of Summer. I want to start getting fit, active and strong with my mind and body and for me, morning light has a LOT to do with that!


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas spirit - where has it gone?

I have been that person this year, who has been so busy and more-so just a little lazy, therefore I haven't gotten as into Christmas this year (2018) as I most certainly have for other years! I have attempted and sometimes succeeded and also failed to do 'vlogmas' before, but this year I just don't have the time to do it! I do have a Christmas tree up and I have planned presents, even an advent calendar for my household, but when it comes to daily Christmas love, it is severely lacking in spirit, cheer, even Christmas movies!

So to set things straight, who better to get the prompts going than with Zoe Sugg, Britain's YouTuber of Christmas... (I didn't want to say, 'queen,' because Britain already has a great Queen of everything...)

So as with my previous post, I have decided to write about the theme of each day, here on my blog rather than through Instagram. Here are the prompts:

Happy Christmas, because really, Christmas is December, not just one day!


December reflections 2018

Well, my blogging has been in short supply during 2018, but we all have our down times. Seeing as I haven't been writing as much as I'd like to this year, I am going to look back and try to not only understand why but try to make better changes for 2019.

Therefore, rather than using my usual platform on Instagram to post the same prompts I do every year from Susannah Conway, I will post the prompts on my blog and write as much as I can! Praise to Susannah's website and Instagram as she is the only person who makes these beautiful prompts where I can actually relate, stop, think and process.

Generally, these prompts include a photo, so that is what I will do, but I want to put much more than that. Because I am an uncoordinated and slower typer on my phone, I am going to skip Instagram posts and write a proper, nice, long blog post which you will have the choice to read, not more spam for Instagram. (rhyme intended)

So stay tuned for the first few days and maybe you can join me in reflecting on your year!