Friday, December 7, 2018

Morning light - December reflections 2018

Here in Australia, it is HOT around Christmas, usually. The morning light is generally warm and scorching by mid-morning. These photos were taken on my morning walks for work and as I looked up, the sun was peering through the whirling clouds.

I would love to capture a photo of the dawn, but I am struggling to get enough sleep at the moment, so by the time I wake up, the sun is already beaming through the house. I was always an early riser, but I don't think the daylight savings and adult life is very helpful with that, on top of all of the other things I need to do daily and often at night!

Here is to getting up earlier and enjoying full days of Summer. I want to start getting fit, active and strong with my mind and body and for me, morning light has a LOT to do with that!


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