Friday, March 17, 2017

Shut your thoughts down

Overthinking is something that I often forget has only bad consequences. We imagine negative things that just will not happen and rarely realise we are overthinking, but we all do it at one time or another, right?

I believe overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. It means that you are not living in the moment and finding peace, but don't forget - there is thinking rationally and overthinking.

I think it is completely okay to think things through - actually its good to do that, rather than being mindless, numb or not considering anything at all. However, you know you are overthinking when you feel like crap, well, that's at least how I know.

To prevent overthinking and be happy is to simply be in the moment, and for me, even daydreaming about my desires. 
Daydream about the little things and let any negative thoughts just pass by, like clouds in the sky. I try to listen to my breathing and give myself time to dream up all of the wondrous possibilities without getting too attached to any thought.

It's all about slowing down your 'monkey brain - watch this link' and coming back to the moment. 

I also pay attention to song lyrics, I try to put music on if I'm overthinking and just try to focus on what the person is singing. I even try to feel what the person is singing about and that can help me put things into perspective.

Other ways to slow down are to go for a walk, or even a run to shake the thoughts of quickly. I love to play with my dogs and run around with them, this way I usually end up smiling and laughing - forgetting what I was worried about!

There are so many ways to overthink, but just as many, if not more, to shake that off.

Remember that there is so much to live for, so why worry about it?


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