Sunday, March 26, 2017

Motivation Monday: sing and dance

Whether anyone is watching or not!

As my singing teacher says "We were born to be heard!" (She does go on, to explain that to cry and scream are just natural to us and so should singing, but another post perhaps? Check her out here at The Mac Project)

Its so inspiring to know that we have this natural ability to raise our voice and move our bodies - whether singing or screaming, dancing or bopping, whatever your taste in music is, embrace what you can naturally do with it!

There is no better motivation for the start of the week than singing and dancing! I wake up with a playlist ready and whether I have to drive to uni or stay home and clean - I blast my (always country) music and dance like nobody is watching.... even though the dogs/cat/bird/gecko's, etc. always are watching! Sometimes there is nothing better than singing either! Singing and dancing - like exercise, releases endorphin's and therefore makes you feel good - what better to do on a Monday morning?

Sing and dance your heart out this Monday!


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