Sunday, May 15, 2016

Blogging Challenge - five favourite songs

'Challenge' alright!

Just five songs? five? Guys I ADORE musical theatre, live so many experiences through music and I dabble in writing it, how am I supposed to pick just five songs?

So I am going to do the first five that come to mind... in no particular order.

Closer - The Corrs

Some Hearts - Carrie Underwood

The entire Wicked soundtrack...

The entire Jersey Boys soundtrack....


Better When I'm Dancin' - Meghan Trainor

Wow that was hard,


Blogging Challenge - My Proudest Moment

I couldn't just pick one proud moment in my life.  I try to be proud of everything I do. I have been through a lot and that makes me proud, in fact every time, I don't succeed, I learn something and the ability to recognise that, I think is a big deal!

I used to be a very silent, jealous person and that did not get me far. When I noticed other people's achievements - perhaps those who weren't so nice to me, I bottled it up, thinking i was worthless and couldn't achieve my dreams - I guess overcoming this and being happy for other people's achievements as well my own is what makes me proud!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Blogging Challenge - Dream job!

Haha I love this blogging prompt, because I have already blogged about it so many times. If you check out my other blog in due time.... you will notice the How I got here: studying Zoology post which pretty much sums everything up.

But as that post isn't up quite yet, I will just tell you that my dream job isn't really specific - but it would be anything to do with Australian animals! 

My dream workplace would be Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria, as I grew up visiting there and have always admired the work every department at this zoo does for Australian wildlife.

Volunteering for Zoos Victoria


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Blogging Challenge - Favourite Quote

For me at KK's Passion, I have always loved this quote, as I have always been a risk taker and a big dreamer!

I love many a quote, but this one pretty much sums up the way I am always thinking. I don't so much feel the need to travel the world or become the richest, most powerful person, but I do care so much more than others have literally told me, is wise and I give everyone and everything the benefit of the doubt, so I am always expecting more than others think is possible!

I would like to point out though, that I don't tend to compare myself to others unless I am around negative people - which does happen a lot. I certainly don't strive to be better than anyone, I just hope to live a positive and supportive, risky and creative life!


Monday, May 2, 2016

30 Day Blogging Challenge - 20 things about me

1.  My favourite animal is a platypus.
2. I have hazel eyes
3. I left high school, took a year off, then went back for my final year before Tafe.
4. I love Turkish Delight.
5. I am a Black Belt in Karate.
6. I'm a morning person.
7. My favourite band is The Corrs.
8. I was born on Friday the 13th.
9. I love the rain.
10. My favourite author is Di Morrissey.
11. I am not scared of much.
12. I fainted in my First Aid course and still passed.
13. I have a Diploma in Conservation and Land Management.
14. My least favourite Disney Princess is Snow White.
15. I had an imaginary friend named George when I was little.
16. My favourite colour is green.
17. I don't like goat's cheese.
18. I am a slow reader, but I read a lot.
19. I can touch the top of my nose with my tongue.
20. I study Zoology and plan to work with Australian animals.