Sunday, April 24, 2016

Feeling crap? 'I feel better when I'm Dancin!'

Meghan Trainor you have nailed it again!
I mean thanks to the Peanuts movie we can all re-live our childhoods and put this song on repeat, daily, every hour of the day!

I have been feeling very down lately and this song as been going nonstop, I have my pal Michelle to thank and my other mates Sarah and Andrew for making me feel better - and yes, this usually does involve dancing!

I have just finished a production of Earth Boy and the Mutant Ballerina's (post to come soon) and I met these three through the BATS theatre company. I just want to say that I am so grateful for this, because we have been a tight group since and I think it will stay that way!

Treasure your friends, your family and yourself, and remember if any of that gets out of whack - dance a little because no one is watching.... they're all on their phones!


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tamworth Country Music Festival 2016! ~ Part 1

I just got back from experiencing the Tamworth Country Music Festival in NSW, Australia. (Three months ago, yes I started writing this post and stopped...)

My friend and I drove the 16+ hours each way to the beautiful Australian city between Sydney and Brisbane.

Taking the Newell Hwy on our way to Tamworth and staying overnight in the small town of Parkes, our first stop was an experience, not only in driving, but for me an eye opener and reminder of the harsh Australian land.
As I drove along the long Hwy, I allowed the country to put me in awe as I thought about the early settlers and explorers that travelled these flats and hills without air conditioning and music....When I wasn't driving I was still in the moment, something so rare, that I forgot if I was hungry or tired. Time stood still.

When my friend and I stopped in Parkes, we were so exhausted that we just booked into the motel and relaxed, it was too much to explore the town  (though it broke my heart that I was physically incapable.) I did compromise a lot of myself on this trip because I didn't want to be a burden and drag my friend around, but if it was all about me, I'd be up at 6am photographing nature and in bed by 8pm after making the absolute most of the day - but heat, humidity and normal human behaviour doesn't allow others to want to join me in that... Sane or not unfortunately!

Up and at it early the next day, we were dying to get to Tamworth and I was beginning to get wary. (Yes, beginning - after a night of sleep...) I had my coffee and we were off fairly early before the heat hit. After 4+ hours of driving (taking it in turns of course) we reached TAMWORTH! And I instantly had butterflies in my stomach. I had heard the audio book 'Under Southern skies' numerous times on my trips to uni and I was so inspired by the story, but reaching Tamworth - I suddenly felt like I truly could do it!

First up my friend and I ate and got some cold water into us, phew it was hot! I was also busting for the toilet, so I rushed off. The poster to the left (pictured) was in the loo and I got more of those cheeky butterflies! I ran out of the toilet to greet my friend in the car and told her we had to go to this!
We checked into the Caravan Park and got out the tent to set up. After that it was a trip (almost) into town to the Golden Guitar - on the edge of Tamworth. Being the tourists we were, we started to buy souvenirs and postcards, we checked out upcoming gigs and then got into a bit of a state (well I did) because I didn't get a booklet I was supposed to get in the mail (weeks before) so there was the search for the building in the city of Tamworth to retrieve that!

Once we got into  Tamworth, we could understand the hype if we hadn't already! There were buskers and stalls, people of all ages running around and just happiness, everyone we passed smiled or waved - the benefits of a country town! We were absolutely buggered after I got my booklet, so we went to the nearest pub The Impy and quenched our thirst. I was high on air or something because I was bursting with energy while my poor friend suffered a little from the heat, so while she cooled down under the fan spraying gentle water over us, I started to really get into the live music.

The gorgeous singer chelsea basham was and is absolutaly amazing (we are totally instagram friends, ha... haha) and I had to buy her CD and a photo - both of which she signed - eeeeek!

I absolutely love and can relate to her songs: Gold and I learned the hard way.

As I only briefly spoke to her as she signed my merchandise, I could just feel how lovely she was and I knew I was going to be obsessed and had to look her up on Youtube, her website and the Tamworth CMF grapevine - so I did and I adored her persona more and more. Really I was in my own little world, in awe of the passion that the first person I saw at the festival could possibly match, if not certainly outshine my own!

The gorgeous Chelsea Basham. 

Day one: Loot.

We stayed and listened to another artist who sang some old classic country rock songs. I just took it all in and ate my chips and soft drink for dinner with my pal. After food and rest we just made it back to the tent and crashed for the night.

It was an amazing first day at the festival and I was in a state of euphoria.

I hate that I keep forgetting, but I love the country I live in and would live nowhere else. It's strange, but in my strange little world at my house, I keep forgetting what else is out there where my heart really lies.
I grew up with country ballads of the Australian land and animals and I have an indescribable passion for nature that I wonder how I can forget this power deep inside me.

As this blog is dedicated to my passions, I must say that the Tamworth Country Music Festival brought out more than one of my major passions. I have always loved country music, but I had butterflies with the reemergence of my other passions (perhaps also from the fear of forgetting my loves...)
  • Writing - specifically lyrics and novels about the land, nature, animals and my FEELINGS! (for a while I had forgotten about those crucial "feelings" until I got butterflies.
  • Singing and songwriting
  • Weather
  • Survival
  • Nature, the baron road (but how much really thrives)
  • Australian culture/personalities - genuine happiness - perhaps just a country trait...
  • camping

Sunday, April 10, 2016

New year, new word.

Looking at the year ahead...
So in true 'New Years Resolution Style' I am getting around to doing the post I wanted to do in early Jan... in April, but better late than never!

If I talk in the present tense and look back at the start of the year - wow, my year has sucked so far! I mean it has definitely had its good parts, but overall, it was been a pretty ratty year for me. My mind has been all over the place... bleh.

But I have been thinking about the time I am using ( I would never say that I have wasted the time) and its been pretty hectic, so I have actually accomplished so much this year already, yet no where near what I thought I would have done..

Anyway, enough babbling. Here is the post I have wanted to write:

A fresh start - Unravelling the year ahead. 

This is my second year of doing this workbook of picking a word to live by for the year and it has really motivated me to get things done, this is the website: and there is a lot of info on how to get started, but I have chosen for my word this year to be: SELF. 

Last year my word was Explore and boy did I do that! - I will post a review of all of that at some point...

But I really wanted to focus on Self this year because I am always doing things for others - so far I have failed dramatically at being self - aware, self - confident or any other self- related thing I was aiming for, because I think that a lot of things just fell in a heap and it has been hard to focus on me and easier to do things for others.

Is it okay for me to start fresh now? Well screw it, I'm going to, because every day is just another day and every minute is just a minute, we have to treasure them, but that doesn't mean we can't start fresh whenever we want!