Monday, September 15, 2014

It's not just me right?

"No one studies in the morning."

"It is very common to have those symptoms."

"I did that too."

I DON'T CARE! I want to be special....

Yes I study in the morning because otherwise I feel crappy the rest of the day. I also don't feel at all reassured when my doctor tells me that 'everyone gets this way...' SO? But the one that ticks me off most of all - 'I did that too,' 'everyone does that,' 'it was hard, but I got in too' - then why the hell am I doing it???

So the way my brain works is - originality all the way! So when I think that I am doing something special or I have a different illness (yes cue the eye roll) or I talk to someone who pretends it was hard to do something that I found incredibly hard (and proud) to do!

So this all really comes down to hard work and changing things - now don't get me wrong, if I have the common cold, I don't have a hissy fit about how its 'so unoriginal'..... that would be too Lorelai Gilmore... (Watch Gilmore Girls), but I feel that these comments that people make are not only ignorant, but attempting to make people feel worse - after all it isn't very positive being referred to as average, boring or common...

Doesn't everyone want to feel special? When you are sick, don't you want people to say 'Oh no, I hope you feel better soon, can I do anything,' not 'Oh that's going around at the moment, everyone has  it....' duh???

Basically we have to do things for ourselves - if a routine doesn't work for you, change it. If 200 people go to uni to become a teacher because it is 'easy....' - don't... and don't get me started on teachers.

I think this will do for now,


Saturday, September 13, 2014

What I'm grateful for today!

This arrangement..
This zone...
This pair...
 This land
This dog.. again


What to do now?

Yay its beautiful Springtime! Summer is coming, the end of my second last year for my current uni course is coming to an end and I don't know where to start where my feelings are concerned.

If you know me, you certainly understand that I am not one to give up. I'm going to get through uni, I just get a little lost sometimes!

Things have gotten so much better overall in my life and I am so grateful for it! I am enjoying my uni subjects, I love my animals, my family, I have money to keep me going, a working car, etc.

I feel though that something is missing and I hate to seem ungrateful, because I love my life! But now that Summer is getting closer and I am starting to thaw out, I am beginning to think of the new year, completing uni and what next? Eeeek!

Yeah its scary, but I need to keep going, keep busy, but I equally need to stop and smell the roses.

What to do now? Well I am just going to try and live in the present as much as possible. If I pretend that I already have the perfect life I want, then I am only going to get closer to it right?