Friday, May 2, 2014

Country vs City

You can't compare the two really. To each their own.

Personally I love the country and I think that I will always plan to live there. Living in Australia my whole life, I have always had huge dreams of owning land, farming, exploring, fishing, hunting, gardening and raising a family in the green. My dad grew up on a farm and I have always loved animals, so it has always been the obvious step, but I also love the city.

I love the special trip to the city - which is why I would never live there. The city (the one closest to me anyway) is alluring and intriguing. I guess this comes down to the way my parents made going to the city so exciting when I was little. All of the alleyways and interesting people, shops and culture of the city fascinate me and I am due for a trip!

But when it all comes down to it, after watching and reading too many sci-fi stories, I would always prefer to be a visitor to the city. I'd rather stay in Wolf creek with the murderers and rapists...

Just kidding, I'd pick the country life any day though!


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