Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The long way round'

The long way around - Dixie Chicks

This song is me in a nutshell. I never thought it was, It just turned out that every chance I took, I ended up somewhere better, somewhere where I learnt a lot more than I would have along the way!

Its been a long time that I have been writing this blog and I don't get many viewers, but hey that's how we all start right?

So I am going to add more pictures and although I have no regrets on anything I have written, I am going to try and stay more relevant instead of blabbing on...

If you haven't checked out my business blog: Never Doubt Nature then you should! I have a lot of upcoming projects on there and let me know if you have any ideas - I am always open!

I'm also trying to start a couple of youtube channels to go with my blogs, so check them out too: Never Doubt Nature and KK's Life.

As some of you may know, I am now at university and studying Zoology in my second year. Boy is it a roller coaster! I mean it's hard, but I'm never quitting!

Anyway, here's to always taking the long way around!


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