Sunday, March 23, 2014

A little perspective please!

Wow life has ways of challenging you, but if you aren't open to it, you just don't see these things. I have recently spoken to several people on what seemed like a lost cause - I wasn't sure about life in general and it had all spawned from my first year of uni, but not just uni, just all of the changes surrounding it all.

These people I have spoken to have been totally random, one lady I walked into a shop and ended up chatting for at least an hour. Soon after I got a job... in a pet shop.

The next person was a surprise for my birthday. I spoke to this woman about current events and how unsure I was about my uni future. Then a family member was made redundant and I had some perspective on how easy things can slip from your grasp, so I am in the best situation possible.

The third lady I spoke to told me that I should be teaching people and by becoming a vet I would be helping pet owners or society with wildlife awareness. Then I went to work and got really passionate about one case a customer asked about...

Now these three people where a crystal healer, psychic and natural therapy counceler, but if i didn't tell you that, they could very well be everyday people.

Now you may just think that I have gone into my nutso spirals about spirituality, etc. but really, this post is just all about perspective. Anyone could have mentioned these things to me and I would have listened and thought, (most likely my subconscious would have made things very clear too) and had a change of perspective of where I am in life.

I am still struggling so much, but I am getting there and I really hope that if you are reading this and struggling with life, that you listen and do things that you enjoy eveery now and then. Sometimes others just see a lot clearer than you - no matter who they are.


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