Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A little cartoon inspiration

Who loves Disney? Who loves Pixar? Who loves Warner Brothers? Dreamworks? Etc. Etc. Etc. Who remembers their childhood? I do.

The thing about adults who create these masterpieces, films, cartoons and animations, is that they aren't afraid to dream. They bring tiny pieces of magic into our lives, to be enjoyed by young and old. I think that what they are doing is creating a sane world for us to believe in something beautiful. And its comforting.

I don't think I could count the amount of people who go absolutely crazy with fan-art/fiction/etc. After a cartoon is released. What is it about these that makes us want to allow it to fill up a major part of our lives - downloading the theme song and playing it over and over until you know every lyric and choosing clothing, hair and make-up to look exactly like that hero or heroine? We make puns and match characters from other stories and niggle away at the facts until we discover a new cartoon or show.

We all want a little magic in our lives. Is this the only realistic way we can get it without seeming crazy? It isn't crazy if everyone does it, right?

Why don't we believe in more magic?


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Just do.

People are weird. The things we worry about have become so artistic and complicated. Why do we insist on making life so hard? Life is so so simple. I assume that we just enjoy the drama (duh, we are human beings) but why?

Life, in its simplest form is difficult. I am so sorry if I am getting confusing here, but all of the things I blab on about - nature, humanity, books, photography - are made complicated by us! Only us! I think that we need to ignore our curiosities every now and then. I mean, stop thinking so scientifically, so ethically and just stop pondering. Just do, or watch, be. Don't think. I see you thinking. Stop.

If you want to search for a butterfly, don't research it first. Go for a drive and sit for a while. If it comes it comes. If it doesn't. You can research tomorrow.

I normally don't like to note the events that cause me to spill my guts on here, because I don't like to make anyone feel guilty, but this new year (2014) I really want to interact more, meet more people, improve friendships, etc. And I am noticing the reasons why I haven't before - we ponder love, we ponder friendship. Is it chemicals, do I really want to see them today... STOP. DO.

I am so scared to go out and meet people in my generation, because they just don't seem to see the simplicity of things, no one sees beauty. This is the most troubling thing about Gen Y. Why? I'll stop right there and just DO!


A little perspective please!

Wow life has ways of challenging you, but if you aren't open to it, you just don't see these things. I have recently spoken to several people on what seemed like a lost cause - I wasn't sure about life in general and it had all spawned from my first year of uni, but not just uni, just all of the changes surrounding it all.

These people I have spoken to have been totally random, one lady I walked into a shop and ended up chatting for at least an hour. Soon after I got a job... in a pet shop.

The next person was a surprise for my birthday. I spoke to this woman about current events and how unsure I was about my uni future. Then a family member was made redundant and I had some perspective on how easy things can slip from your grasp, so I am in the best situation possible.

The third lady I spoke to told me that I should be teaching people and by becoming a vet I would be helping pet owners or society with wildlife awareness. Then I went to work and got really passionate about one case a customer asked about...

Now these three people where a crystal healer, psychic and natural therapy counceler, but if i didn't tell you that, they could very well be everyday people.

Now you may just think that I have gone into my nutso spirals about spirituality, etc. but really, this post is just all about perspective. Anyone could have mentioned these things to me and I would have listened and thought, (most likely my subconscious would have made things very clear too) and had a change of perspective of where I am in life.

I am still struggling so much, but I am getting there and I really hope that if you are reading this and struggling with life, that you listen and do things that you enjoy eveery now and then. Sometimes others just see a lot clearer than you - no matter who they are.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


G'day Guys,

So I have just started Youtube! Here is a peek into my first video. More coming soon!