Sunday, August 18, 2019

Renewing KK's passion

Life is ridiculously hard. how many times have you read that in an article, blog, book, etc? Well for me, I try not to dwell in the hard places of life, yet this is easier said than done. I do, however, feel I need to confess a few things.

I seem to have lost my passion.

Hence, why I have not been posting for a while. On this blog. KK's Passion. If I did, it would be quite hypocritical of me.

I don't know yet, whether I want to reveal the most personal parts of why I may have lost my passion, but my health, work/study careers, and relationships are what we all sometimes go through and it sucks when we are broken by it.

I don't know if I can just reignite my passion like a match to wood, but I am going to try.

For now, though, I am hoping that my passion for writing will return as long as I just keep writing...

This song has been (for lack of a better phrase) my guiding light, for the better part of the year and if you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it for all ages:
Sound the Bugle - Brian Adams (Spirit, stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack)

I hope you can stay passionate,

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