Sunday, July 1, 2018

Motivation Monday: Start with a smile!

Mondays can be hard, but so can any day really. When things are extremely difficult though, it can be very taxing and insanely hard to face the day ahead. The best way I find to do this though is to just smile. You don't have to smile at anyone or even do it in the mirror. Just a little smile at one corner of the mouth can help.

I try to think about the fact that I actually woke up this morning, that I have arms and legs, etc. - The smallest things can help.

If simple gratitude doesn't work, try watching a funny video, have a list of things that make you smile or laugh or even think about someone farting - I don't know, something about farts is just so damn funny!

Whatever it is that makes you smile, its really about stopping and embracing the moment and there is certainly a lot of value in moments!


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