Monday, January 2, 2017

My word of the year 2017!

If you have been on my social media for a long time, you may know that I have been doing susannah conway's 'Word of the year' for the last three years. I recently just did vlogmas and talked about it quite a bit there also.

I think it is very inspiring to have a word to guide me through the year and so far it has somewhat worked for me, so I am going to fully take in my 2017 word of the year which is:

I am in my final years of uni and I want to go out with a bang. I also want to volunteer more and focus on my passion for nature by working on Never Doubt Nature.

I also want to focus on the moments and be more mindful of whats going on around me, rather than being stuck in the daily blur of life.

Lastly, the main thing I want to focus on is my writing! Blogging, but also my long-time-coming stories are going to get a lot of attention from me this year!

Do you have a word of the year?


December reflections - Days 26 to 31

Day 26 - 'Nourish' - *not my photo* I've always thought of a huge bowl of fruit when I hear the word 'nourish!'

Day 27 - 'My smile' - I have thin lips and small facial features, but I don't care! Here is a massive smile selfie!

Day 28 - 'Quiet moment' - I actually did spend all day today working on 'unravelling 2016' and embracing 2017. These quiet moments really helped me to contemplate my present and future and writing this now, is just getting me more inspired!

Day 29 - 'My wish for 2017' - Much less negativity and a whole lot more inspiration! Here are a few things that inspire me:

Day 30 - 'Thank you 2016 for...' - Another year, another 366 days of living, breathing, exploring, believing and working on myself!

Day 31 - 'My word for 2017' - FOCUS!