Thursday, June 30, 2016

Throwback Thursday: How Quaint.

Childhood smiles!
I love reading. I will read almost any genre, my bookshelves are made up of nothing in common and I love it all!

The books that really make me smile though, are the ones that are written with childlike wonder, curiosity and adventure, really they inspire me.

Books like Old Yeller, Little Women, Peter Pan, Black Beauty, Treasure Island, they all have that simple yearning for well, no technology! Authors like Enid Blyton are favourites of mine too! Yes, it was surely the time period in which these books were written, that make them so 'quaint.' Most of them are aimed at children, however, reading a charming, old-fashioned story every now and then, reminds me of the little things.

My nana (who has now passed away) used to read to me and I would read to her as I grew older. I have so many memories of pronouncing a word right and getting applause, being asked to read and choosing a book, reading with her in bed and by the window. No wonder a love of reading blossomed for me at a young age!

All of these books remind me of how my beautiful nana would talk and act, even describe her 'younger years' as. So I guess I love these stories because I can sort of relive a piece of what she may have experienced!

My favourite book (EVER) The Valley makes me wonder if this is how nana was. It goes back and forth in time and paints an amazing picture of teenage adventure. Every-time I read this book, I feel like I am there, with Thommo and Clem, causing mischief. I can imagine myself running across paddocks with Ol' Yeller, writing and hiking up my skirt with Jo March, watching Black Beauty strut before me, looking up to Long John Silver and riding on a wagon with Lotta and Jim!

It is mostly the language and writing style (with pictures) that draw me to these books and I think that as I grew up, I kept these characters with me, they have always inspired me to write myself, take life lightly and be kind!

This song, Peter Pan recently came up on my playlist and it makes me think that this is how I used to be... it might sound to-good-to-be-true to 'grow up,' but I know my nana would have not only wanted me to grow up into a 'lovely young lady' but also remember the little loves.... it's okay to believe in fairies and follow the stars, as long as you don't let the wonders of reality pass you by either!

Enjoy the quaint!