Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wealthy Wednesday - Define your wealth



1. a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:the wealth of a city.2. an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:a wealth of imagery.3.Economics.
  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  1. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged. or valuable contents or produce:the wealth of the soil.
5. the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:persons of wealth and standing.
6.Obsolete, happiness.

Thank you! Once again you have helped me get motivated to blog! So Wealth - its not just about money. I am going to start off my new Wealthy Wednesday series by helping you to discover what your wealth is, what it is that you can have in abundance (apart from money...) and feel rich, absolute and just amazing!
For me it is a great number of things, but if I have to define it I can probably put it down to a few things, that, if I was surrounded, I would feel utterly amazing!!
  1. Animals! Give me insects, livestock (as in horses/cows/goats,) fish, platypuses, reptiles... puppies and I am just in a state of euphoria!
  2. Nature - nature in the weather, flowers, storms, leaves, trees, rain, a plant growing in the cracks of concrete. The way winds have carved stones over time, puddles, etc. Etc. etc! Nature in its purest form just makes me smile. As one of my favourite quotes goes - Water can carve its way, even through strong - And ancient Japanese proverb.
  3. Books. If I am surrounded by books, I am truly happy, in fact, writings of any form inspire and enlighten me. From lyrics, to poems, to novels, to Shakespeare to a quote!
  4. Images, sounds, tastes, smells and feelings (emotions and physical.) Everyone needs to get in touch with their senses more. I find that if I savour and taste my food, Look deeply into a painting, focus on the tones in my voice, Breathe in and pause through the fresh air, rub my cheek into my pillow or just acknowledge how I am feeling in a very moment, well, life is just unbelievably AMAZING!
I am going to leave you with that and tease you with the wait until my next Wealthy Wednesday! You don't need to define your wealth (literally or figuratively) but just remember you are wealthy in one way or another! Be grateful for that!


Monday, August 3, 2015

Motivation Monday: Remember why you started.

What are you doing with your life right now? Do you feel stagnant? Lost? Broken? I know that I have had these feelings lately and its horrible. It feels like I have lost track on what I am working towards and it sucks. It really does.

Why am I here? Why am I writing my blog late at night after a day of not really going after my dreams. I spend most of my weekends making other people happy. Its sad but true, but that is going off topic.

I usually have to force myself to remember why I started all of the challenges in my life, whether or not they have been good or not-so-good challenges, doesn't matter. I have to face these challenges and I am the only one who can make the most out of the situation. Is this why we started? To breeze through? Because whatever the end result is will be easy... no I don't think so.

So when the times are tough, we really have to get some perspective and ask ourselves, and I mean really think about, why we are doing this... and why we (I) haven't given up yet.

Inspired yet? I know I am!

Take pride in what you are doing, no matter what you do, because it is in these moments that our life and who we are is defined. Don't use all of your time trying to improve yourself or be the best, savour the here and now and respect what you are doing!

Exploring nature

I have this thing where everywhere I go, I have to find, even a little, piece of nature and really take it in.

If I go to the beach I like to lye on the sand (even if is cold and windy and just sive the sand through my fingers.)

I often visit the botanical gardens to remind myself that there are pieces of nature scattered around suburban areas and I like to go with friends who appreciate this.
Even in my local area, along dirt roads, there are often bandicoots where you would normally see rabbits or foxes.
This gorgeous guy was found on my way to work along a busy hwy.