Friday, March 27, 2015

I'm 23!

So I just recently turned 23 and its pretty great. I always imagined 23 as the age when I would start to settle down and have a potential husband, be thinking about kids, etc. But due to unforeseen circumstances... that hasn't happened.

But it will one day.

Anyway I am pretty happy with the direction that my life is going right now. I am healthy, working, studying and I have my family around me... what more could I want?

This 23rd year of my life I am taking it as it comes while exploring every opportunity that comes my way. I am still not the most confident person in the world and I shy away from a lot, but I am trying to change that and become more social!

As I continue with my passions, I hope to keep you updated, but bare with me because I have a lot going on!


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