Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The long way round'

The long way around - Dixie Chicks

This song is me in a nutshell. I never thought it was, It just turned out that every chance I took, I ended up somewhere better, somewhere where I learnt a lot more than I would have along the way!

Its been a long time that I have been writing this blog and I don't get many viewers, but hey that's how we all start right?

So I am going to add more pictures and although I have no regrets on anything I have written, I am going to try and stay more relevant instead of blabbing on...

If you haven't checked out my business blog: Never Doubt Nature then you should! I have a lot of upcoming projects on there and let me know if you have any ideas - I am always open!

I'm also trying to start a couple of youtube channels to go with my blogs, so check them out too: Never Doubt Nature and KK's Life.

As some of you may know, I am now at university and studying Zoology in my second year. Boy is it a roller coaster! I mean it's hard, but I'm never quitting!

Anyway, here's to always taking the long way around!


Friday, April 4, 2014

Some changes??

Hey guys,

I'm going to be making some changes to KK's passions as I have no idea how many readers I have out there! If you are reading, I appreciate any comments and I will be putting a poll up to get some reader feedback.

My other blog: http://neverdoubtnature.blogspot.com.au/ is also worth a mention as I will be creating a company which donates a percentage of its procedes to different charities. For more information, check out the blog and the youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXBJ52PlkZ8 I made about it - and PLEASE comment and let me know what you think! Designs and products will be up shortly with links to the charities I will be supporting and my youtube channels/s.

My other youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChrdaLcTkFbn7qqmMCHan6A will incorporate this blog (kkspassion) and my everyday life. So stay tuned and please please, please, let me know what you think!