Monday, February 27, 2012

Part of why I'll mis Clyden so much is because of the many animals I have grown up with there. A few of them are even buried there. It seems like a childhood memory, but even today I feel a connection to what I once had. (Even after the renovations.)Here are some pics of my friends who have grown with me at Clyden.

The first two photos are of the current residents, Angus in the first photo. Abbie is the tan and white and Chloe is the black and white in the second picture. Angus also re-appears in this pic!

You will have to bare with me on more photos, I'll get there!


Generation anxiety

If I were a teenager in the twenties, I'd have glitz and glamour.
If I were a teenager in the forties, I'd have something to fight for.
If I were in the fifties, I'd have dancing shoes.
In the sixties I'd have grease and racism to defend.
In the seventies I'd have flowers and peace.
In the eighties I'd have fluro and shoulder pads.
If I were a teenager in the nineties, I'd have had baggy pants and walkmans.
But I've been a teenager in the noughties (??) and I can't think of one thing we own...

Oh wait,

Heres to a generation of tech-heads, suicides and disrespect,

Not proud.
P.s "The noughties?" seriously? Why?


Thursday, February 16, 2012

More of Clyden

My home, Clyden, I still get to see most days, even though I really live 20 minutes away. Being there makes me feel different now though. A few years back we did have some renovations, so now it doesn't feel wholly like home, but it still is in a way. In case you didn't get the hints. My parents are split up and I live with my mum. My dad has always lived at Clyden, So thats why I go there so often.

Because of the renovations - which were quite major- I don't think I'll miss the place too much, but that may change...


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


For the next few posts I think I'll post about the house I grew up in. Clyden. It is a passion of mine after all! Especially since I have been told that it will be demolished after August this year. Its in my heart and I hope that you'll see how special something so simple can mean to someone.

So Clyden is very special to me and basically my dad is selling it due to outside sources and new housing estates and roads coming in. At the moment he doesn't have to sell the 2 acre property, but its on the books for the next few years. I just hope that he sells it privately and not to a developer who will slaughter it...

The cover picture of kkspassion is of dusk at Clyden.


The wonders nature brings

I was just absolutely amazed by a pair of red bellied black snakes I just saw mating on my nightly walk. Mum and I left a little later than usual, at dusk and I really don't know why we don't more often. Two amazing sights of nature just made my day. first off I saw a Southern Brown bandicoot, which I know are native to my area. Second I saw the two amazing... venomous... snakes...mating! GOLD! I really love my natives, especially mammals and reptiles. This all means something!

Its fantastic because in a world where nature is diminishing, its just a breath of fresh air to see three native animals who have really been there all along. It really makes me stop what I'm doing with my everyday fog and remember how much I truly do love nature and why I do write about it. Sometimes it takes a small encounter to really get the full picture and remember what you used to believe. And now I am back into that mindset, thanks to Mother Nature! I can't stop using the exclaimation marks because this is the most excitement I've had all year! I vow to write more and more now about nature and the wonders it beholds!!!!!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

day by day

We go though life on a day to day feeling. We dream, we look forward and we celebrate, but when it all comes down to it, everyday is just another day in our own lives. You can't do something absolutely amazing every single day. But hey, that's life and that's the way life is meant to be.