Sunday, January 30, 2011

A new career

Do you ever get the feeling where, you have always known what you wanted to do, but all of a sudden had an urge to change your mind entirely? No? me either... until now.

I have always wanted to work with animals, Australian animals in a zoo in particular, but now, although I see myself working with both the plants and animals of Australia, I really want to start my own business, maybe as a breeder, park owner or educate in some way.

Those who know me, know that I am a hard worker, but I can get tired quite easily... (and again those that know me will know why...) and working for myself prohibits a lot of the tiring stress associated with working for someone else.

Okay so I know that I am still a long way off from starting my own business, but it is something I would like to consider...

Please leave any comments about what you think through personal experiences, advice, etc.

thanks for reading,