Friday, January 3, 2020

What will 2020 bring?

It is already the 3rd of January in the new decade/new year and I am getting there. I am trying to be fair on myself and not put too much pressure on jumping into my writing. Yet, as I did not have the best of years in 2019, I also need to slap myself a little and get moving, gently.

So here it is - the first post for 2020, I hope I will post a whole lot more than my measly x3 posts in 2019, but no promises...

I guess I should tell you what is new?

  • I am aiming to write my stories for just a small period of time per day. I am pleased to say - so far, so good! I have written/edited some parts of my novel for 20-30 each of these three days this year! It feels like an achievement to me anyway.
  • I am choosing to feel happy. Yep, this is certainly easier said than done, but thinking of happiness as a choice is an interesting concept and I think it is really going to help me!
  • I have chosen my word of the year - check out Susannah Conway - to be
    'Wholesome'and yes, I chose this word after watching Winnie The Pooh, Pooh's Grand Adventure - a childhood favourite of mine. I mean is there a better word to describe the crew of the Hundred Acre Wood than 'wholesome?' (If you have no idea who I am talking about, know that I am 27 years old and many of you under 20 may rightfully be lost to my 90's Disney reference...)
    Yet, I did not choose my word of the year, just for the joy of Pooh, but to be sentimental, healthy and passionate - all in a steady manner. It makes sense to me...
Well, that is just about all which is new right now, unfortunately.

Here's to 2020!