Friday, October 20, 2017

I'm fine tuning, but I'm still me!

Here is a selfie. I don't do selfie's.

However I do have this selfie because I know that I was incredibly happy in this moment. It's a moment I want to remember. I am genuinely smiling and I just feel great here - it doesn't really matter why.
My point here, is that we go through changes in our life (I mean I took a selfie, when I don't like to) and that doesn't change who we are, it just helps us fine tune our personality.

I have been meditating (I mediate at least twice a day) to a guided meditation, (on the app - Headspace) on change - and this is very ironic, because a lot has changed in my life recently!

Through study, career, relationships, health and the rest of life, change can really help to keep me focused. It doesn't have to be drastic change, but little changes (I have never been a fan of routine) can still make a great impact.

I recently listened to this great podcast, where Ilene - better known as Lavendaire - talks about just that, being true to yourself. Ilene has so much to say about owning your worth and so many other creative lifestyle tips. Her resources are really extraordinary. Links below:

podcast: Lavendaire - Be true to yourself, but don't get attached to any identity

Lavendaire website:

It is just always nice to remember that change doesn't change us - unless we allow it to and I believe that a little change can make me realise who I really am and what I really want!

Enjoy change and do what you can to change!