Sunday, September 4, 2016

Love your dad, uncle, brother, step dad, partner, etc - to the males in the family!

Today in Australia it is Father's day.

My dad and I

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY - to all of the dads and fathers figures out there!

As a female, having a father figure in my life is very important. I always have some kind of father around, whether that be my step dad, dad, grandad, uncles, cousins, brother  I mean I look up to these people, so I think that is a big part of Fathers day!
My brother, mum, step dad and me

My brother, Dad and I
I just wanted to make this post to make sure to remember all of the good times, appreciate those father figures for what they have always done for me and continue to be there for them. I love my dad so much and I also adore my step dad. They are amazing people and so different, which makes me love them more!

As men are so hard to buy for and this is a 'sentimental' post - I just want to say that I think you need to really think about what to give your dad for fathers day (or any day for that matter) not that women are always materialistic, but I find that men tend to need things, more than want them.

I ended up getting my dad some dvds and some food items that he loves (because he is almost impossible to buy for, but he eats food...) and I put some money towards a watch that my step dad wanted and some licorice allsorts that he loves.

It always pays to take note of what anyone in your life likes - little things like favourite colour, food, experiences, favourite animal, book even, - I don't think that generic gifts (eg. tools, ties) I think dads just want to be loved!

Enjoy your fathers day!