Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Every person in my life!

Today I met with my good friend. Although our chat was bittersweet, it inspired me to reminisce and let the pain and good times mesh together to create a beautiful ambience in my head.

Stories, Never Doubt Nature*, this blog and similar projects came to mind. I've always had a passion to create and work with animals and seeing my friend and chatting, made me click, made me remember the why!

Although the chat bought back some very hard times, I let them come into my mind and just go, almost like a meditation. I wouldn't say that the 'sweet' parts of the bittersweet memories made up for the bad, but I did think of the rest of the 'sweet' that I have achieved since those days...

I really wish that there was something I could do or say, but whether there is or not, I want to convey how important every person in my life was or is important to me!

I remember the times we pretended to be snow leopards in the long grass of my backyard and hid in the alcoves of your dads house in the winter.

I appreciate the cutting and pasting to try to win a competition in a barbie magazine when I was so young.

I remember picking the tiny buds off the bushes in your garden.

I laugh at the times we were in timeout together, just from laughing during dinner.

I am embarrassed by the time I broke the ornament on your mantelpiece.

These are the smallest of my memories, but they are there and important to me. Whether the people I shared these memories with, remember them or not, isn't too important. What is important, is that I drew inspiration from these and to this day I notice the things that everyone I know, does. I am glad you are in my life, negative or positive, you have been there for a reason.


*Never Doubt Nature is my growing business on the side: neverdoubtnature.blogspot.com.au keep an eye out!