Saturday, April 25, 2015

Who am I doing this for?

I want a family, a husband and children and I want a house, with animals in the country on a farm. So I am very traditional, but am I constantly working towards that and trying to find my perfect man? No.

What is the point?

I have to work on myself and be the person that I am proud of before I can have anyone want me, first I have to respect myself. I have always, always tried to live this way and by 'this' I just mean life.

Every time I stuff up or feel guilty. I stop and try to smile. I will never be perfect, I am working on myself and learning. Everything is always eventually going to be okay!

So who am I doing this for? Who am I improving myself for? I certainly don't need a man to complete me, but I'm not just writing, waking up every morning, doing my thing and trying so hard for just myself either.... no its for absolutely everyone in my life! The want to work with animals is for the animals, the hours of writing is for those who love a good story or need some positivity. I do all of the things I do for myself and for others, as long as I enjoy them.

Ask yourself who you wake up in the morning for? It doesn't matter what your answer is, as long as you are content with it,

keep at it,