Thursday, February 20, 2014


I have been avoiding some things for - I hate to admit - over a year now... Between 2012 and now(2014), there has been a lot of grief for me and I know that everyone mourns differently, but I find that my way is so strange. I can put grief down to all of my problems, because I have never experienced anything so traumatic before.

Don't get me wrong, my problems are minimal compared to the average persons, or anyone's for that matter, but this is my blog, so I'm just saying.

So I have been avoiding writing properly for over a year now - and yes, I mean my stories, blogs, poems, eveything. It all has just seemed too hard. I'm unfocused and bored, to be blunt...

But the thing is that no matter how long it takes - I never give up once I start something.

'I may be a slow walker, but I never walk backwards." - Abraham Lincoln.

It may take a while until the storm is over, but it will pass one day, so I am determined to persevere.