Tuesday, October 15, 2013

World Peace? Ha - try household peace first....

I have yet to meet a household of people - be that families, friends, acquaintances, etc. who have never fought before. World peace comes into this because - why are we always complaining about the world and what we should be doing to help, when we can't even get along with the people living under the same roof as us?

Its the blame game that makes us human, but all most of us say we want is some peace - hypocritical much?

My mum has recently hurt her finger and had to have her hand put into a cast. Now mum does do a lot for our household, but everyone has their own needle and thread in the pattern of how our house runs... (failed attempt...) and it is amazing how everything falls apart when one needle is lost.

Factually - if my parents really thought about it - they'd realise that they don't work as hard to keep the house clean, etc. as they think they do. Every time I come home from being away at Uni, I come back to the same little junk piles and attempts at ' Oh it's only when you're home.'


Now, I have never asked for world peace, I have always, always thought that the notion is absolutely ridiculous. I stay true to how I feel, I pride myself on making hard decisions and not changing my mind.

Anyway, when those around me start to see that we have to work together, rather than play the 'poor me, blame game' I may reconsider the notion of world peace.... LOL.