Saturday, December 1, 2012

Give us a break!

We all do things we think we don't. Sometimes we slip up, fall, stumble and make mistakes. We are hypocrites, liars, and manipulators - so what! I think that every now and then we need to give ourselves a break. The idea of a perfect person is just stupid!


Many of us have our moments - a slip of the tongue, foot in mouth, but a lot of people or organisations, tend to place unreasonable limits to everyday situations. The most hypocritical part of this is that often, the person or organisation in charge may be privy to making the same, if not similar mistakes that they shun others for.


I think that our society is much too strict. All it would take is to smell the roses and appreciate what we have already got. Placing impossible standards won't help anyone and personally I think that there is absolutely no need for it, but then again, I mean is that only human?


I try to overcome this by ignoring it and being thankful for the times I am treated nicely, with respect, or even just acknowledged. Just try to give yourself a break. If you find yourself making mistakes, feeling down, disappointing others, manipulating others, etc. Just remember the saying that my beautiful mum taught me: ‘Treat others how you’d want to be treated’ regardless of how they treat you!


If you have someone being cruel to you, stay strong, if there is one thing I have learnt from being stood over, it’s to never stand over anyone yourself, just step back and think twice.

