Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Global w-- what?

Everyone who knows me, knows that I appreciate nature in every way. Here in the Southern hemisphere it is supposed to be Summer. I don't know if its a Victorian thing too, but we really have been having freezing cold weather! I really hope I'm not the only one to see that whenever the temperature rises really high for a couple of days, a storm brews??


But then it gets freezing cold/windy or just bad for more than a few days. I somehow don't think it's glabal warming, but moreso, global cooling...


Take the new year as you wish

It's a fine line between love and hate for this time of year. Everyone is on edge while trying to have fun at the same time before they once again, begin their everyday lives. Going back to work is something that everyone tends to find scary and I assume this is because they don't want to continue with the bore of their lives.

But what I don't get is, why does everyone seem to start the year off in the same state of mind?

Home life is particulary difficult this time of year. I know that in my family, everyone like to come home and take their problems out on other family members in the comfort of their own home. There is just very little respect for each other and the best I can do is keep out of everyone's way...

There is also a lot of pressure for me to get a job, it's certainly not like I haven't been trying or want to get out there and earn money, but it simply isn't that easy...

On the positive side, I am determind to write, rescue and recover this year! I love this time of year because you can start over in a way. Its a chance for many of us to shake our heads and put a new positive twist on life. Although many of us don't take this chance...