Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bird sale.

On the weekend I went to the Skye Bird sale to sell some lovebirds and it really is an interesting event. We only sold 2 lovebirds, but it was good to see the atmosphere as most of the keepers and buyers were real genuine country people and there is just something about those animals lovers that makes the world a better place to deal with. Although there weren't too many Australian birds, there was enough of everything and a good variety from finches to small parrots and quails. I couldn't walk past the cocketiels and dad's friend's could walk past a bargain! A pair of yellow headed Gouldians later, dad and I collapsed on the couch and I gave a bite to eat to Adam!


Adam the snake.

Well I finally have my spotted python, 'adam' named after the zookeeper I knew (see RIP Adam Ruble)and when i get the females pair, I am not calling it Eve... I am naming her after another zookeeper who was very inspirational to me at Currumbin sanctruary... and no she is not dead... that I know of and I mean that in the respectfull way. Adam and Nat, how does that sound? Anyway, Adam is doing very well and is quite happy in his new enclosure, I think he is quite spoilt actually! Photos to come...


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A word on the spotted python.

I just thought I'd chat about the Children's python I am getting at Cranbourne aquariums: http://www.aquariumsatcranbourne.com.au/index.html

The spotted python is the biggest of the Children's python growing to 1.5 metres. I actually chose my python 'Adam' (and yes I am sticking with Adam, after a keeper friend of mine - see blog post 'RIP Adam Ruble') because as young, the spotted python can be somewhat aggressive and I really wanted to learn how to handle a python if I am going to keep one.

Here is some more info if you'd like to take a look:



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Golden Olden Days.

Every now and then I get a nostalgic feeling, remembering when I was little and innocent. The stories that my dad and nanna tell me make me realise that those olden days were so much better, so simple and if not simple, exciting, people appreciated life, music, DIY, imagination, the outdoors, heck most things I'm passionate about!

I just hope that people can keep appreciating the moments they cherish.


A word on my favourite author.

Di Morrissey is an Aussie icon with a great mind for writing. The way she describes her scenery, characters and presents the storyline is amazing! My favourites of her books (in order) are: The Valley, The Reef, Monsoon, Silent Country and the others I haven't read yet, but I'm sure they'll be high on my list!!

Anyway, here is her website, check it out and read the books, they are the best!



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

a little bit of life!

I don't know how easy it is to succeed in life, I've never had too much luck at it, but I do know that living is in the journey. As long as you are satisfied when you are on your deathbed, everything was okay. No matter what your doing, take a step back, think and evealuate how good life really is!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Andrew Isles natural history bookstore.

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd let you know about a great bookstore situated in Melbourne. They also send books and catologs out to you. They have just about anything to do with nature, but don't take my word for it, take a look at their site:http://www.andrewisles.com/


Save the cassowary!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

New day, new smile.

Sometimes you get those days where it seems like nothing too extraordinary can happen, but there's good in every day, it just depends on how you look at it. I woke up this morning feeling so lucky to just be me and I wish i could feel like this every day.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life is like a lake...

Mysterious and misunderstood, life can be deep and dark at times and at others it can be light and beautiful. You are always surrounded by nature and can draw in and out of yourself. Day brings a cool refrehing breath of air while night brings silence and thoughts.

Life is like a lake. Enjoy it.